Ok, so I haven't been blogging much lately....but I have been busy! First, it is the garden, tomatoes, peas, okra, peppers, etc......we have been picking and canning and freezing. The blackberries and blueberries have all been picked or eaten :) and then there were the tomatoes. I love tomatoes, but I am tired of canning them....I know they will be good this winter when I want to make soup or sauces. And then there are the peas.....we really haven't had alot of peas this year ?? the bugs have gotten to them too fast, but did put some in the freezer. They will be great to have when it gets cold. Nothing like a pot of zipper peas with chowchow on top and a nice thick wedge of cornbread, oh with butter....hmmmm. Now the figs are coming on and I really want to put up some fig preserves this year. We have not had figs in a while. Years ago I use to make "strawberry" fig preserves and that was the only way I would eat them, but my taste have changed with age and I love good old fashion fig preserves and so does my DH. So we will see how that goes.
And then there is the cleaning out of my sewing/crafting room....I really need to downsize and I am trying to get some destashing done to put on Etsy,,,,,(to come soon). I guess going to all those yard sales and thrify stores over the many years have built up to OMGoodness! What am I doing with all this STUFF!? I hope to put much on Etsy to sell.
I have been selling a few things and hope to continue.....it is a learning process, especially about postage...I try to stay close to the actual cost of shipping but sometimes I don't charge enough for shipping and I eat that cost. It is fun to learn I have made a sale! yippeee!
Saving up for a new laptop to use with my sewing machine...one day!
And then I have been quilting, smocking and sewing a bit....working on sewing for grandchildren and doing a little mending......
Better get back to that cleaning out! Later....