Wednesday, August 15, 2012

More Pictures from our Western Trip

Devils Tower in Wyoming was awesome to see!

Profile of George Washington on Mount Rushmore.

  Mt. Rushmore!

Buffalo and 'red dog' (baby buffalo) at
Custer State Park in South Dakota near
Mount Rushmore.  The buffalo were huge
and roaming all over the park, even blocking

A visit to Laura Ingall Wilder's home in Mansfield, Mo. was
a real treat.  This is the home where she wrote the "Little House on the Prairie" books.

Quilts on Barns

We saw lots of quilt patterns painted on barns and other buildings.
Our last tour before heading home was a trip to the
National Quilt Museum in Paduach, KY.

Then it was heading back to Alabama and home, sweet, home.
It was a wonderful 29 days we were on the road seeing so many beautiful sites
and meeting interesting people along our way.

I thank God for providing us a safe trip and for the glories of our America.


  1. I would have just melted at Laura Ingall Wilder's house! I read and reread all of her books when I was young.

  2. Shirley it was skin tingling to be in the same house where Laura lived :)


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